A Digital Journal by Claudia Sims

Category: LDR

A beautiful Question

Why do some things that, no matter how many horrors faced, can still bring a smile to people’s faces?

This is a beautiful question because every person will have a different answer. They could have the same experiences but still, have completely different answers. I chose this because when I feel as if the whole world is coming down around me, I try and find little things that make me smile. Whether it be looking at a picture of my dogs, knowing that I can see them soon, or just looking outside and seeing the leaves change color in the fall, and winter wildflowers bloom. Everyone can find happiness in the most unusual places. Each happiness is different from the others, but there are many similarities that people from all over the world share. Some find happiness in the light of the stars at night, some in the shadows of clouds during the day. Others find it in the quite of the rushing brook or steam, others in the roaring of a windless field or wood. I believe that this is a beautiful question because it makes the person who reads this question think about what makes them happy and from there what can make others happy, and how that is different yet the same from their own views of happiness.

Five Strengths

        When I did the strength test back in the summer I had no idea that I would be classified as someone who has Individualization, Deliberative, Restorative, Strategic, and Intellection. When I first read about these words I had no idea what they meant or how this related to anything I would learn at Agnes. But after reading about them and really thinking about what I do in everyday life, I can now see why this five words can describe me.

        The strength that I show the most in everyday life would have to the Restorative quality. To be Restorative means to want to help, to fix, to make a new something whether it be a person or a thing. This can be shown by me because I love going antique shopping. I love finding something that no one else wants, something broken or used or plain, and make it my own by either painting it, or fixing it or even breaking it down into parts to use in a different way or piece. And I guess this can also be applied to people as well. I like to make sure everyone has fun and is happy, and if they aren’t I’ll figure out why if I can so that I can do something to help. Be it leaving them their favorite food outside their door, or a pair of funky socks that I know that they have been looking for. I also think that I really want people to see this in me as well. Because I like to make sure people are happy and safe because I know what it’s like not to be, and I don’t want anyone to feel like I used too. I want people to know that no matter what I will always be there for them, to help them in any way that I can, and that if I can’t, I’ll find someone who can help them.
