While on our Journeys, My group got the chance to see art that was made during and after the Soviet Rule in Bulgaria. One of these was a group of stone slabs that were set around an excavated Roman era Circuit in the city Plovdiv. These stone slabs were parts of the Berlin wall. Each piece was reflected in a different artist view. To be able to touch something that caused so much pain, to be able to make art with it to make sure no one forgets what has happened, is incredible. And the fact that right in the middle of the whole installation was a place of joy and fun almost two thousand years ago, its mind boggling. I could talk about what each piece could mean, or what emotions overcame me while walking around them and touching them. There are simply too many words I could write about them, and also not enough. All I can tell you is that if you ever get the chance to travel to Bulgaria, make plans to go to Plovdiv and head towards the old town and if you get lost just ask someone where the pieces of the wall are.