So the end of the semester is coming and with it a final project. When I first started out, I knew kind of what theme I wanted to go with, a theme of life and death. Though I didn’t really know how to express this concept. First I wanted to the six drawings based off of still life. I sketched out what I wanted, took pictures, then scraped the whole idea. I knew I wanted to do something with skeletons. Dr. Emerson suggested going to the Oakland Cemetary to take a look at the graves and statues in there. Then after looking through past pictures on my phone, I found an old selfie that I had taken about 3ish years ago. I then remembered a project I did in high school where we took a picture and recreated with a bunch of tiny squares. I took this idea and decided to divide the picture in half, one side living, one dead, but instead of the divided being just straight down the middle, I did a checkered-like pattern. I wanted to show a person can be both alive and dead. I plan on using more cool colors like blues, purples, and some blacks. I am really excited to see how this turns out.